ACT Medical founder speaks at RS REflect event with IET

People from Global Ethnic Majorities (GEM) are under-represented in STEM. 

REflect is an event bringing together young people from ethnically diverse and/or low socioeconomic backgrounds.

It provides a platform to role models from the worlds of engineering and tech that look and sound like those in the audience.

It is designed to support STEM businesses which want to do better in both attracting and retaining diverse young talent. 

REflect was founded in 2019 and is a collaboration between the Association for Black and Minority Ethnic Engineers (AFBE), The Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET) and RS Grassroots.

Reflect your true potential

Joseph started his 7-minute talk at REflect 2022 by reflecting on his own entry into the MedTech sector.

Looking back to his A-Level results day, he described how unwanted results in maths and science demanded a pivot for someone who had always dreamed of being an engineer.

At the heart of engineering is creativity and problem solving, Joseph switched to Product Design at Loughborough University so that he could continue to develop these skills.

“It’s about defining a problem then trying to find a solution using design and creative skills.” he told the packed room at Tobacco Dock in London.

It was while working on his student innovation project at Loughborough that ACT Medical’s concept was formed and Joseph went on to win the International James Dyson Award.

Questions for future entrepreneurs

Joseph described the origins of ACT Medical for those in the audience wanting to start up their own businesses.

He reflected on what he had himself been told while starting ACT Medical from Loughborough University incubator LUinc, recommending the use of the business model canvas to audience members

He then posed three questions to his audience:

  • What is your idea? What do you want to do? What is your business model?

  • How can your protect your idea? Legal protection? Or retain trade secrets? 

  • What is your ‘why’? Why do you want to start a business? Why does it matter to you?

He went on to recommend the book ‘Find Your Why’ by US speaker Simon Sinek for those wanting to start a business and create a success. 

  • ACT Medical’s award-winning medical device aims to save the lives of stabbing victims by stemming bleeding from knife wounds. Follow ACT Medical on LinkedIn for latest updates or email to speak to us directly.


ACT Medical appears twice on BBC website


Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellowship for ACT Medical founder